Why Choose A Wix Template?

Design Freedom Unleashed

Wix's drag-and-drop 'Wix Editor' is where the real magic happens. It's stupid simple to use - just point, click, and boom! You've got a site that captures your unique vibe to perfection. No coding skills? No problem! Our template lets you go wild with colors, layouts, and all the design flair your creative soul desires.

Mobile-Friendly from the Get-Go

In this day and age, having a mobile-friendly website is non-negotiable. That's why our Wix template comes baked in with built-in responsiveness. Whether your audience is browsing on a desktop or phone*, your site will look like a million bucks across both sets of devices. Smooth sailing for everyone

Power Up with the App Market

Wix's App Market is an all-you-can-eat buffet of awesome add-ons to level up your site. Need an online store? Social media integrations? Insights from analytics? They've got apps for all that and more. Our template plays nice with the whole menu, so you can keep piling on features as your biz grows.

Sleep Easy with Secure Hosting

It's sayonara to site crashes and uptime anxiety! Wix has got your back with secure, reliable hosting. Their top-notch infrastructure means your website will keep humming along smoothly while you focus on more important things (like running your empire).

Stay Ahead of the Curve

The Wix team is constantly cooking up fresh features and improvements to keep their platform at the cutting edge. As a Wix user, you'll get access to all the latest updates and enhancements. That means your site will never fall behind the tech curve - it'll just keep getting better with age!

Superb Support at Your Fingertips

One of the biggest advantages of using Wix is their excellent support resources. They offer extensive instructional help sections that cover just about every aspect of building and managing your website. From design tips to technical walkthroughs, their guides have you covered, and if you ever get stuck, Wix provides easy access to their support team right through the platform via chat functionality. You can connect with their AI chatbot or an actual human expert to get personalised assistance in resolving any issues. 

It's worth noting that Skinny does not offer technical support specifically for the Wix product itself. However, with Wix's stellar self-help resources and direct support channels, you'll have all the tools you need to create and maintain a stellar website experience. 

In a nutshell this Wix template gives you powerful design freedom, mobile-savviness, scalable features, rock-solid reliability, and superb instructional support when you need it.

*Please note this template and Wix Editor is not responsive for tablets